Lost and Found Policy

In response to the Cambridgeshire Constabulary’s revised policy on accepting lost and found items, we are changing our previous advice to take items to Sawston Police station. Note that Keys are among the categories of ‘Found items’ no longer accepted by the Police.

There is now a box near the Notice Board into which we encourage visitors to put any odd items they may have picked up which appear lost; and those who have lost something are encouraged to look in the box first. Our Rangers regularly check in the box and may remove any significant items for safe keeping and alert the office in case the owner gets in touch. We have occasionally managed to re-unite items when possible, but sadly it is rare.

Items the Police will accept:

  • Items capable of containing data e.g mobile phones and computers.
  • Cash and wallets that are identifiable
  • Unidentifiable cash
  • Identity and personal documents

 – please take any of the above that you find on Magog Down to your nearest convenient Police station.


  • Bicycles
  • Personal but unidentifiable items
  • Clothing
  • Keys
  • Jewellery

– any of the above (that will fit!) can be put into our Lost Property box.

If you are on Twitter, you may like to Tweet your find using @magogdown and perhaps the owner will come across it that way.

Further detail and specific advice from Cambridgeshire Police on what to do with individual items either lost or found is on their website’s helpful click-through Lost and Found page.


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