Snow returns to Magog Down

In December 2017, for the first time in nearly five years, this part of the world had a light covering of snow and the locals were quick to take advantage of Magog Down’s handy hill for some snowy Sunday fun on their sledges. Little Trees Hill at 74m is one of the two highest points on the Gog Magog Hills.

North Down swarming with happy sledgers, Sunday 10th December. Photo by Kathleen Foreman.

Prior to this, the last time anyone can remember getting their sledges out was in January 2013. This time the weather event was also recorded on our Twitter account.

POSTSCRIPT, April 2018:
As the winter of 2017/18 dragged on, bringing with it the famous “Beast from the East”, we became all too familar with the sight of snow on this little hill of ours!  Does our changing climate mean we can expect regular sledging weather yearly now, or will we have to wait five years again? Only time will tell…


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